Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tulip Festival

Ever since Thanksgiving Point opened and started featuring the Tulip Festival, I have wanted to go, but never have. This year I was d-e-t-e-r-m-i-n-e-d to go. I invited Stephanie and Tabitha to go, figuring if I included others, I wouldn't let something else get in the way.

This is a beautiful tree we saw + a cute duck....
The weather nearly ruined it for was so beautiful during the 1st week and 1/2 of the festival, but Stephanie was having finals. She could go today....but it was SNOWING and COLD.
This is "Frankfurt" the owl we saw sitting on his/her nest by
the waterfall....
I called my friend, Kaylene, who works at TP and she said it was really pretty out there, no wind, cold, but if we bundled would be ok. Well, that was about 3pm, but we didn't get there till 5:45 and conditions had changed .....not for the better.
We rented a golf cart and took off. One good thing, not alot of other people to beep-beep at. It was breathtakingly beautiful!!! Cannot describe to you how beautiful it is....even in arctic weather~
This waterway runs thru the entire garden and is so picturesque....this little pic doesn't even come close to capturing it.
We found the Secret Garden....see how bundled up we are....we weren't "numb" was early on in our journey:)
Tabitha's favorite....daffodils but the purple tulips were gorgeous!
These yellow tulips with red in them are my favorite tulips....but my favorite flower is hyacinth.
We stayed almost 2 hours, till it closed and was REALLY COLD, but we were numb by then so we didn't feel much. We got Starbucks hot chocolate and that warmed us up good. It was a great we plan to repeat......Thank You Kaylene:)